At ZUVU we whole heartedly support the need to source and supply products that are as sustainable as possible product within our shop.
With well over 80% of the oceans fish stocks been over exploited there is a strain on some species resulting in some fish becoming endangered.
As a business, ZUVU aims to inform and serve the customer of only species that are sustainable. By doing this we are playing a part in protecting endangered speciesand hopefully helping their numbers to build.
Together as a team we also support the latest campaign by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall to overturn EU Law which means half of fish caught in the North Sea are being thrown back overboard, dead, because fishermen are not allowed to return to the harbour with any over-quota fish. In our vast waters where different species mix together, a wide variety of fish are caught. Due to these laws they have to be discarded at sea and left to die.
Hugh says we can help by signing his petition online and also by eating some of the "lesser known species". At Zuvu, we have the opportunity to supply these to play our part. The likes of Flounder, Dab and Coley are among the lesser known fish we may have in our shop for you to try.
If you would like further information on Hugh's 'Fish Fight' or to register your support for the campaign, please click on the link below: